Monday 23 January 2017

OK Guys Its now Comical

Ok guys, I know I am not very good with this blogging thing, my attempt to be cynical sucks, my sentence  construction leaves much to desired and my attempt to garner sufficient readership is failing, but I tell you that I seriously believe in my abilities to smell trouble. Remember my 1, 2, 3 approach to life's occurrences ( well thats all one needs to embrace and it makes you look like a genius), well guess what, its happened again!

Anyone reading these pages will note that I focus quite a bit on the Capital Market Regulator and its front line regulator, simply because I strongly believe that in order for them to be effective they have to be cleaner than clean, beyond reproach.

But I am beginning to believe that these guys are so arrogant that they could not care less! I suppose that they are of the opinion that they are so "powderful' that even if they are caught they can get away with it, or they have not realised that crooks get caught not because they are stupid but because they are arrogant!

In this weekend's Option magazine (a giveaway with the Edge Magazine) is an article under creative enterprise entitled "Empowering via Embellishment", there is a nice smiling photo of the entrepreneur! Its about a chap that is doing online business. In fairness to this chappie, he does say, "What's also been a challenge is balancing my day job and this business - I love what I do so I give it 100% when I'm at work and only do the stuff for XX after hours"........please give us a break! You can 100% segregate yourself while at your day job, wow , you must be the only one on this planet with such abilities. But it is not about this chappie and his business its about the general state of organisational effectiveness of his day workplace!

So once again, Mr. Tan Sri Dato Sri Chairman, not only do you have to put the Capital Market in order (I am sure you have seen and read the double page in today's Sun newspaper regarding one of our top groups. These Indian fellows are simply too persistent)  you also have internal challenges, there simply are not enough hours in the day for you.

Putting all this aside Mr. Tan Sri Dato Sri, out of curiosity can you clarify the following:

1. Does your employment contracts/letters not demand that an employee indulge in other jobs.

2. Is the remuneration so bad, that this example is only the tip of the iceberg, that while you and your entourage jet around to exotic locations, the rank and file need to moon light to make ends meet!

3. Did you and your senior management know of this or were you all spending valuable time working about the confusing designations that the organisation recently applied!

4. Do your people also think there is one set of rules for us and then there are the others!

Once again Mr. Tan Sri Dato Sri Chairman we all eagerly await your responses!

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