Wednesday 1 February 2017

You just simply don't listen! - The AA situation - An Update

Last week there was this long, almost a page,  news report in the financial edge relating to the fact that AAX was quoted in a charge relating to the Rolls Royce ("RR") bribery. The report's opening para said that AA has no relationship or dealings with RR, and claims no knowledge of the matters relating to the USD3.2m graft! All I can say is yes they are correct, AA it would seem has no relationship but sister company AAX did sign to have their A330s powered by RR's Trent engine.

Now we all know that there are two heavyweights (no pun intended) that are instrumental in all major transactions that involve the group. So by saying AA is not involved and stating that there are no relationships with RR is technically correct, we also know that when a statement is made it must be unequivocally clear, especially when it involves a group where management is considered as one by the general public.

Now I believe, in my simple mind, that what AA/AAX should do is to make a very firm denial regarding this matter, appoint a top solicitor and challenge the Serious Fraud Office, after all its reputation is being hung outed and questioned, and I am sure the heavyweights in particular would not want this to happen, especially when they are planning an IPO, or are there reasons that they prefer that remains unknown.

It would additionally be nice if the group would also shed more light regarding the transaction with the Executive jet, yes it was reported that it all went through the Audit Committee, but considering its seriousness it would be good for transparency and it would make interesting reading for the simple mind and demonstrate a high degree Good Corporate Governance.

Considering the seriousness of this matter, I am wondering if Bursa have or will be asking for further clarification! Oh maybe not, since they have this situation of "we have a new CRO, we don't have a new CRO, no no our CRO is still our CRO!

Finally  remember my theory of patterns, there is a single occurrence, then two occurrences, and finally its a way of live..........................people don't fail because they are stupid, they fail when they become arrogant!

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