Tuesday 7 February 2017

What they don't want you to know!

Chinese New Year, in fact all festive occasions, with the exception of Hari Raya, there is such joviality and happiness brought about by that poison, that tongues get loose and many things are divulged, as they say, caution is thrown to the wind.

One of the stories that I heard is of such repercussions that I am wondering how come we have not heard the crumbling  sound of the whole organisation as it comes crashing down.

Now it seems that when ever a berhad (not just listed berhad, but berhads) solicit funds from the public they need to get permission from the Capital Markets Regulator ("CRM"). Apparently there was such a case where the berhad did not get approval, and naturally the CMR took action. Now here is the intrigue,

1. Apparently the case was thrown out, it seems that the judge thought that the law and or facts were incorrectly applied. Larger issue is, is this only referenced to this particular case or does it effect all future solicitation of funds. Can you imagine, the wider net that it could apply too.

2. Apparently it was handled by a junior prosecuting officer, why a case that had the potential for far reaching ramifications was not handled by the Head of the Department needs to be questioned. Maybe the belief is that since they are the CMR, the judiciary will always grant them what they wish!

3. Now this is the more interesting part, that the defending lawyer was a former employee of the CMR and there are rumblings that some sort of pally relationship exist between the former and current prosecuting officers. Apparently a number of former prosecuting officers have gone on to set up their own legal practise and for some reason specialise in CMR's cases.  I wanted to ask more, but I was afraid if I did that I would have alerted them and that would have been the end of the stories.

I am told that there would be an appeal lodged, but what is ironic is that how could it have happened in the first case. It only adds to what I have been saying, the organisation has become totally dysfunctional with no leadership, more time is spent with opening ceremonies, photo taking and overseas trips. The time has come for change!

Maybe Mr. Tan Sri Dato Seri needs to have people that are willing to challenge his decision and instructions rather then having silence, remember Silence does not mean acceptance (read correct), Only God Can Be Correct All the Time!

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