Tuesday 17 July 2018

Que Sera Sera Minister of Finance

It's now coming to approximately two months that a new government has been formed and is in-charge of the country. It's about 3 or 4 years since we first learned about all the shenanigans and the 1MDB saga. More importantly it's the opposition that brought this all to the fore and fought very hard to make the  rakyat aware and to convince us to vote out the incumbents.  

But seriously, how much longer does the MoF and his two cohorts need to continuously keep referring to 1MDB, come on get on with it, stop being a scratched record.  Pause and remind yourself that if there was no 1MDB than you guys will still be the opposition!

On the issue of LRT3, can the Rt Hon Minister of Finance please stop talking %^*&, there is a difference between cost cutting and cost management. 

Cost cutting takes place when you do away with parts of the item or completely doing away with it. Therefore removing stations etc, changes the build scope and that results in the cost cutting/reduction. Wow  the country needed a MOF and two machais to do that, something a 5th former could do and they are mighty proud of it!

On the other had if they had applied cost management techniques, by looking at the Bills of Materials and renegotiated with the suppliers and squeezed them and found more ingenious ways of being more efficient and effective, than there is reason to feel proud and to shout from the top of the hill!

So MOF, lets stop the continuous 1MDB or many little 1MDB, we know that, clean up the mess or the rakyat may just not vote you back.  Get down to work! 

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