Saturday 28 July 2018


relevance definition: the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about.

I believe that from time to time one's publicist or media agent ensures that one remains relevant...............because if you are not than you are forgotten. Additionally being relevant in today's world can make you big bucks, some are relevant in main stream media others are on the alternative media like instagram. Hence today we have sisters that are continuously in the news and it would seem their relevance is the body shape with certain parts being larger than the norm, than there is the lady that never smiles or there is that *^%# star that offers to have a relationship with soccer players.  

The subject of relevance got me to ask if it is for this type of reasoning that certain corporate leaders need to be always in the news, they are not really concerned whether they court the right kind or the wrong kind of news, as long as they are in the news!

Since relevance is of concern, i still want to know;

1. That big discount received on the tax, how was that accounted for in the accounts was it treated as income, or was it treated as a creditor and after two years handed over to the authorities under the unclaimed money act.

2. It was reported that there were shenanigans in the sister company's procurement system, a police report was lodged, we are told, what is the status?

3. Is there an update with regards to your travel status, are you welcomed in all countries of asia and are there some countries that would wish you to visit since they are keen to discuss your business dealings.

4. Would it be premature to congratulate you as the de facto MOT, de facto seem to be another term commonly used in the country, seeing that you are currently making statements on transport infrastructures.

Thank you, looking forward to your next ranting, but will appreciate your replies, via mainstream media.    

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